The Law Office of Lori D. Ecker
Born: Plymouth, Indiana
Education: Lake Forest College, B.A., 1979, DePaul University,J.D., 1982
Admissions: 1982, Illinois, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois, including Trial Bar; U.S. District Court, Central District Illinois and Northern District of Indiana; U.S. Court of Appeals; Seventh Circuit; and U.S. Supreme Court.
Recent Speaking Engagements: Guest Lecturer, Advanced Writing Class, DePaul University College of Law, Executive Compensation Agreements, February 13, 2020; EEOC Chicago Seminar, Drugs in the Workplace: What’s Okay and What’s Not, August 20, 2019; Chicago Bar Association, Hot Topics in Labor & Employment Law, November 15, 2018; ABA Webinar, Harassment & Bullying Investigations: What to Know When Conducting Effective Investigations, September 25, 2018; DePaul University College of Law, Just at Work: Gender and Sexuality in the Workplace, March 2, 2018; IICLE Employment Law Institute, Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Discrimination, February 22, 2018; ABA Webninar, Employment Agreements 101: The Tips and Tricks Every Lawyer Should Know, July 12, 2017;Pregnancy Claims under Federal and Illinois Law, IICLE Business and Employment Law Conference, April 27, 2015, Chicago, IL; Workplace Issues Arising from the Legalization of Marijuana, Chicago Bar Association Labor and Employment Law Committee Meeting. January 14, 2015, Chicago, IL; Advanced Issues in Reductions-in-Force, ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law 8th Annual CLE Conference, November 7, 2014, Los Angeles, CA; Can Employees be Disciplined for Out-of-Work Behaviors? ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law 7th Annual CLE Conference, November 9, 2013, New Orleans, LA; How to Prove Your Case for Defamation, IICLE Labor & Employment Law Section, November 30, 2012, Chicago, IL; EPLI for Dummies, ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law 6th Annual CLE Conference, November 2, 2012, Atlanta, GA; Getting to Win-Win: Making Mediation Successful, ABA Annual Meeting, August 2, 2012, Chicago, IL; So You Think You’ve Got a Case? Your Employer Doesn’t Think So! Selecting Causes of Action and Identifying Available Defenses, ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law 5th Annual CLE Conference, November 4, 2011, Seattle, WA; Ricci, Lewis v. City of Chicago, Testing and Affirmative Action: How Are They Related, Moderator, ABA Annual Meeting, August 7, 2010, San Francisco, CA; Social Media – Using it for Litigation, IICLE 14th Annual Labor and Employment Law Update, May 21, 2010, Chicago, IL.

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